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Q: When will my order ship?
A: Orders will normally ship next day, but no longer than 3 business days.
Q: Do you ship out of the country?
A: No, not at this time as USPS does not allow insurance or delivery confirmation outside the United States.
Q: Can I place an order from outside the country if I have a United States address for delivery?
A: Only if you are using a card that has a United States billing address as well as shipping address. We will not accept credit cards linked to billing locations outside the United States. If the card used is not linked to the correct billing address, we will void the order - no exceptions. Our credit card acceptance policies are for the protection of our customers.
Q: Can I use a giftcard?
A: You can use a visa/mastercard/discover giftcard only if you are the REGISTERED owner of that giftcard. Of course, we always accept our own Jillybeans Leotards e-giftcards.
Q: How can I view the status of my order?
A: If you are a REGISTERED customer, click on our "Service" link at the top of our home page. This link will allow you to enter your order confirmation number and will give you a USPS shipping confirmation number if your order has shipped. If you are a REGISTERED customer, you will be able to view any past orders you placed if you signed in under your registered status when you placed your orders.
Q: What are your shipping costs?
A: We are now offering USPS first class and USPS priority mail shipping. Orders over $50.00 currently receive FREE shipping.
Q: Do you sell wholesale?
A: We do not offer wholesale pricing or offer additional discounts at this time.